Tiyan Parkway
The 2030 Guam Transportation Plan identified the Tiyan Parkway as a critical component for traffic flow along Guam’s central roadways. This parkway was to connect Airport Road (Route 10A) to Purple Heart Memorial Highway (Route 8) through Tiyan.
In 2008, planning for the proposed parkway began with 45 variations of alternative routes. By the latter of 2009 the alternatives were narrowed down to four but not too soon after, numerous barriers were discovered.
Before the year’s end, the Department of Public Works met with the Guam International Airport Authority and Tiyan landowners to discuss the parkway, alternative routes and the barriers it faces, which include:
- Airport Runway Projection Zone & Runway Safety Zone limitations
- The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) opposition for the use of any airport property for non-airport uses
- The Government of Guam’s return of land intended for Tiyan Parkway to ancestral land owners
- The Department of Public Works having no control of any property required for the various alternatives.
The project is currently on hold due until the barriers are resolved.
Tiyan Parkway Environmental Assessment
Access to this link is limited to persons with a property interest in the Tiyan Ladera area.