Ongoing Projects
- Locally Funded
- Federally Funded
Islandwide Primary Roads Paving and Pavement Marking (IDIQ)
- Project Start: May 2022
- Scope: Paving and Marking
- Cost: $1.4M
- Contractor: Hawaiian Rock Products
- Est. Progress: 0% Complete
Route 14B Reconstruction and Widening (Route 14 to Carmen Memorial Dr) Phase 1 Cliffside
- Project Start: October 2022
- Scope: Reconstruction and Widening
- Cost: $10M
- Contractor: InfraTech International, LLC
- Est. Progress: 90% Complete
Route 5 and Portion of Route 12, Reconstruction and Widening (Route 2A to Naval Magazine/Route 12)
- Project Start: September 2022
- Scope: Reconstruction and Widening
- Cost: $12.9M
- Contractor: InfraTech International, LLC
- Est. Progress: 99% Complete
Office of the Governor of Guam

Meet our Leaders

About Guam Transportation Program
The Guam Department of Public Works is pleased to provide you with your connection to Guam’s routed roadways from Andersen to Umatac and everywhere in between. With support from the Federal Highway Administration, this website has been developed to:
- Provide the public with information on the Guam Transportation program and the 2030 Guam Transportation Plan;
- Provide regular updates on roadway improvement projects designed to make our roads safer and easier to navigate;
- Provide interested contractors, designers and vendors with information on upcoming solicitations and pending projects; and,
- Provide the public with an opportunity to provide comments, suggestions or ask questions about our roadways and surface transportation issues on our island.
We encourage you to visit this site often and to register for our email updates to keep you informed on our progress as we pave the way forward for our island!