Traffic Advisory for the Week of April 8 - 14, 2024

April 5, 2024

Road Safety Reminder for the week of April 8 - 14, 2024

Right Turns

To make a right turn:

  • Drive close to the right edge of the road.

    • If a designated right turn lane is available, enter at the opening.
  • Watch for pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists between your vehicle and the curb.

  • Start signaling about 100 feet before the turn.

  • Look over your right shoulder and reduce your speed.

  • Stop behind the limit line. A limit line is a wide white line that shows the drivers where to stop before an intersection or crosswalk. If there is no limit line, stop before you enter the crosswalk. If there is no crosswalk, stop before you enter the intersection.

  • Look both ways (left-right-left) and turn when it is safe.

  • Complete your turn in the right lane. Do not turn wide into another lane.


According to Guam’s Traffic Violation Bureau’s (TVB) Traffic Fine Schedule

GCA (Guam Code Annotated) Code Description Eff. 01/01/14
3321 Improper Turn – Right or Left $80.00
3324 Failure to Use Signal – Start/Stop/Turn $80.00
3325 Failure to Yield at Intersection $100.00
3329 Failure to Yield to Pedestrian (Intersection) $200.00


Guam Construction Update for the week of April 8 - 14, 2024

Motorists are advised to drive cautiously through the construction zones, observe all posted speed limit and construction signs, and carefully heed flaggers (when present). Alternate routes and/or adjusting drive times when feasible are encouraged.


Route 5 and Portion of Route 12, Reconstruction and Widening (Route 2A to Naval Magazine/Route 12) – Santa Rita

Construction activities will continue along Route 5 from Route 2A to Route 17 with intermittent lane closures. Motorists are advised to slow down while driving through this area.


Route 14B (Ypao Road) Reconstruction and Widening (Route 14 to Carmen Memorial Dr.), Phase 1 Cliffside – Tamuning

There is a full road closure between Congressman Palting Loop and Pale San Vitores Road for the construction of a new retaining wall and widening of Ypao Road. Motorists will have to take alternate routes. The public is advised not to enter the construction area.


Route 14 Resurfacing from Route 1 to Route 14B – Tamuning

From Monday, 4/8/24 to Saturday, 4/13/24 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, motorists are advised that there will be lane shifts and intermittent lane closures along the northbound and southbound lanes of Route 14 (Chalan San Antonio) from Route 1 to the Archbishop Felixberto Flores Circle and to the Hilton Hotel on Pale San Vitores Road.


Islandwide Guardrail Repair & Replacement, Route 4 from Route 1 to Route 10

From Monday, 4/8/24 to Friday, 4/12/24 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, motorists are advised that there will be lane shifts and intermittent lane closures along various sections of Route 4 in both directions from MJ Mart to Chaot Bridge during the specified dates and times. Please be aware of the following affected areas:

  • North-West of MJ Mart
  • South-East of MJ Mart
  • North-West of Shell Gas Station (Ordot-CP)
  • North of Chalan Tottot (Across Shell Ordot)
  • South of Chalan Teleforo Street
  • North of Gogue Dr./Chalan Abas (Bus Stop)
  • North-West of Sunshine Plaza / Twisted Tattoo #3
  • North of Ilang Ilang Drive
  • Across PUAG Chaot A-4 Stat. and Ilang Ilang Dr
  • South-East of Chaot Bridge


Islandwide Village Street Pavement Resurfacing – Chalan Emsley, Yigo

On Tuesday, 4/9/24 and Thursday 4/11/24 between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM, the DPW contractor will be milling and paving Chalan Deangelo, Cain Markie, and Chalan Untalan in the Chalan Emsley area. There will be intermittent lane closures.


Route 1 Median Maintenance – Upper Tumon

The DPW HMC crew will continue painting medians along Route 1 in upper Tumon. Work will occur between 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM. The DPW asks motorists to please proceed with caution and remain alert for traffic control signs and work crews.


Route 27 (Harmon Loop Road) Median Maintenance – Dededo

The DPW HMC crew will be water blasting medians along Harmon Loop Road during the week. Work will occur between 7:00 AM – 3:30 PM. The DPW asks motorists to please proceed with caution and remain alert for traffic control signs and work crews.


Route 10 Striping – Mangilao

The DPW contractor will continue striping Route 10 in Mangilao during the week. Work will occur between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM. There will be intermittent lane closures.


Islandwide Grass Cutting Maintenance Project

The DPW contractor will be grass cutting at the following locations between 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, weather permitting:

  • Monday, 4/8/24: Route 15
  • Thursday, 4/11/24 – Sunday, 4/14/24: Route 1 Hagåtña - AAFB
  • Sunday, 4/14/24: Route 17

There will be intermittent lane closures. The DPW asks motorists to please proceed with caution and remain alert for traffic control signs and work crews.


Ko’ko’ Road Race – Route 14 (Tumon/Tamuning) and Route 1 (Hagåtña/Asan)

On Sunday, 4/14/24, the Guam Visitors Bureau will be holding the Ko’ko’ Road Race. Motorist are advised of lane closures between 3:00 AM and 10:00 AM at the following locations:

  • Southbound Route 14 (Pale San Vitores) lanes from the GVB/Proa intersection to Archbishop Flores Circle
  • One southbound lane on Route 14 (Chalan San Antonio) from the Archbishop Flores Circle to the Marine Corps Drive (ITC) intersection
  • Middle and outer southbound lanes of Route 1 (Marine Corps Drive) from the ITC intersection to the East Hagåtña Mobil
  • The outer southbound lane of Route 1 (Marine Corps Drive) from the East Hagåtña Mobil to Senator Juan Tim Toves Street (Asan)

Northbound lanes are unaffected by this closure and will remain open. Marine Corps Drive southbound lanes should be open by 8:30 AM.

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